Stevane Carloman التطبيقات

مقياس الحب الحقيقي 1.0
Stevane Carloman
مقياس الحب الحقيقي ( Love Test ) بين شخصين منأشهر الاختبارات الحب التي تعطيك نسبة التوافق بينك وبين أكثر واحديحبك.جرب حظك واكتب اسمك بالعربي او بالانجليزي مش فارقة وع الناحيةالتانية حط اسم حبيبك وشوف في كل مكان قياس الحب قد ايه واذا مفيش ايعلامة ولا المؤشر طلع ولا نزل نصيحة لوجه الله ارمي الموضوع ورا ضهركوربنا يعوض صبرك خير اما لو كان المؤشر مرتفع فعليك بالشبكة والدبلةوالقايمة بالمرة وجهز نفسك لشر لابد منه ومعلش كلنا لها بس المهممتضيعش نفسك قبل ما تشوف وتعرف التوافق مع لعبة الحب الجامدة والرائعة..لعبة مقياس الحب لعبة حب و رومنسية رائعة فيها تستطيع قياس نسبة للحببينك و بين اي شخص و طريقة اللعبة سهلة جدا قم في هذه اللعبة في الجهةالأولى وضع إسمك قم في الجهة الثانية وضع إسم الطرف الأخر ثم يا بطلبالضغط على زر القياس لترى نسبة الحب في لعبة مقياس الحب تستطيع كتابةاسمك و كتابة اسم الطرف الأخر و ترى نسبة حبك له أيضا تستطيع كتابةاسم الطرف الأخر ثم اسمك و ترى نسبة حبه هو لك وغيرها من الطرق أيضايا بطل تستطيع في هذه اللعبة كتابة الأسماء بأي طريقة ممكنة و بأي لغةسواء العربية أو الإنجليزية أو الفرنسية أو غيرهم طبعا هذه اللعبةليست النسب فيها حقيقية إنما هي للتسلية و الترفيه و تسجية الوقت ,فيها نسبة حب إخوانك أمك أبوك أصدقائك و غيرهم و إقضي وقت ممتع ومسلية في هذه اللعبةأتمنى أن تستمتع بهذه العبةThe real measure of love(Love Test) between two of the most famous love tests that give youcompatibility ratio between you and the more one loves you.Try your luck and write your name in Arabic or in English Meshmilestone p side Altanih landed your lover's name and Lookeverywhere measure of love has any if Mafeesh no sign nor the indexcame and got to face God's advice Armi Thread Laura Dhrk and Lordcompensates patience good either if the index is up you network andAldblh and Alqaama totally evil and prepare yourself for theinevitable and never mind we all have but important Mtadhaashyourself before you know what is shown and compatibility with theGame of Love rigid and wonderful ..Game of Love Scale love the game and romantic fantastic which canmeasure the percentage of love between you and a person and the waythe game so your easy in this game in the first put your name thenin the second put the other party name, and my hero by clicking onthe measurement button to see the proportion of Love In the game oflove scale can write your name and write party name of the otherand see the love ratio has also can write the other party name, andyour name and see the percentage of his love is for you and othermethods also my hero you can in this game write the names in anyway possible and in any language, whether Arabic, English or Frenchor others of course this game is not real but the percentages arefor fun and entertainment and Tsjah time, the percentage of yourbrothers love your mother, your father and other friends and spendtime fun and entertaining in this gameI hope you enjoy this new game
Can You Focus 2.1
Stevane Carloman
The purpose of this game is to Find the Bunnyunder hats. concentrate and find all the hidden BunnyThe creators of "Can You Focus" bring you another amazing freegameTest yourself in this fun, addictive,IQ Test , Intelligence Test,your focus , your concentration ,free and popular game.Find theBunny and advance to the next stages and tell your friends aboutit.Download this game and see if you have it what it takes towin!More challenging levels available at the moment!1 - 3 levels - 3 hats.4 - 6 levels - 4 hats.7 - 9 levels - 5 hats.10 - 12 levels - 6 hats.13 - all next levels - 7 hats.--↗ Smartphone puzzles!↗ Addicting mini puzzles!↗ Gorgeous graphics and different levels!↗ Get the highest score if you Can!
صور تلوين 1.0
Stevane Carloman
- لعبة تلوين الصور(pictures to color) واحدة منأفضل ألعاب الهاتف 2015 القوية حيث تقوم بإستخدم مجموعة من الألوانالخلابة في تلوين لوحة يظهر بها صور و شخصيات كارتون للتلوين- إستخدم الألوان و قم بتلوين اللوحة بالشكل المناسب وإن التلوين منالانشطه المفضله للاطفال وتجعلهم يشغلون أوقات فراغهم في تلوين الصورو اكتساب مهارات جديده والاستمتاع بالالوان فهو ينقل الاطفال إلى عالمخيالى من الصور الرائعه والالوان.- Coloring pictures(pictures to color) and one of the best phone games in 2015 whereyou use ALL powerful set of stunning colors in coloring panel showsthe images and cartoon characters crayon- Use colors and then painting the painting properly and that thecoloring of the children's favorite activities and make them occupytheir leisure time in coloring pictures and acquire new skills andenjoy the color is transferred to the children's fantasy world ofwonderful pictures and colors.
أجمل دعاء - Ramadan quotes 1.0
Stevane Carloman
Ramadan quotes 2015 Ramadan Dua azkar seriescollect and choose them by reviewing the Quran page by page, makecertain there is no beautiful dua left. These 88 series very goodto be your daily DuaThere are specific times supplication and azkar is more likely tobe accepted by Allah (SWT) as mentioned by Prophet (SAW) , andThere a good reason why Allah puts these duas in the Quranدعاء إذا قلته تشتاق لك الجنة كما تشتاق لها أنت : قال جبريل عليهالسلام : يا محمد ! والذي بعثك بالحق لا يدعو أحد بهذا الدعاء إلاغفرت له ذنوبه ، واشتاقت إليه الجنة ، واستغفر له الملكان ، وفتحت لهأبواب الجنة ما تشاء . وهذا الدعاء سهل : ( اللهم إني أسالك إيماناًدائماً ، وأسألك قلباً خاشعاً ، وأسألك علماً نافعاً ، وأسألك يقيناًصادقاً ، وأسألك ديناً قيماً ، وأسألك العافية من كل بلية )This app contains a extremely effective Muslim supplication andazkar for almost to get fulfilled any lawful wish.This app works on any android mobile and device for free withTransliteration and english translationFeatures:1. Arabic language + Transliteration2. English Translation4. Share to Facebook, Twitter, email, etc5. Set Your favorites6. 88 series
تحليل الشخصية بالاسئلة 2.0
Stevane Carloman
تحليل الشخصية عن طريق 15 سؤال، وهذه الأسئلةتحمل أكثر من إحتمالية للإجابة عليها، وكل احتمالية لها تحليل يختلفعن الآخر لجانب من جوانب الشخصيةشارك في صناعة هذا الاختبار علماء نفس أكفاء ، النتيجة تعتمد اعتماداكليا على طبيعة اجاباتك ، جاوب بكل صراحة فلن يرى أحد اجابتكمقدمة حول الإختبار :لكل إنسان منا جانب مختبئ من شخصيته ؛ الذي لا يظهر للناظر إليه ولكنيمكن الإستدلال عليه من خلال بعض التصرفات أو من خلال الإجابة على بعضالأسئلة ، ويعتبر تحليل الشخصية وقراءة الأفكار الخفية فن لا يتقنهإلا بعض المختصون في هذا المجال ، كما أن هذه الخفايا التي يخبئهاالإنسان سرعان ما تظهر من خلال إختبارات تحليل الشخصية ، التي تستطيعأن تحلل شخصية الانسان الخفية ، ولكن يشترط بها الاجابة بصدق علىالأسئلة المطروحة .فمعرفة الإنسان بنمط شخصيته بلا شك سيكون له أثر بالغ في محاولة تفاديالأنماط السيئة التي تظهر من خلال علاقاته وتعاملاته مع من حوله فيالحياة، كما أن معرفته بالأنماط الايجابية التي يتمتع بها سيزيد منثقته بنفسه، وتجعله يعمل على تنميتها بالقدر الذي يساعده على خلقمساحة من التفاؤل والسعادة يساعده على المزيد من التألق والنجاح.Personal analysis through15 questions, and those questions carry more than probability toanswer them, and every likelihood of her analysis differs from theother side of the personal aspects of the Participated in the manufacture of this test the samequalified scientists, the result depends entirely on the nature ofyour answers, Answer a frankly will not see one of your answerINTRODUCTION test:Every human being has us by the hiding of his personality; thatdoes not appear to the viewer to him but it can be inferred throughsome of the actions or by answering a few questions, and is apersonal analysis and read the hidden thoughts art is not good at,but some specialists in this area, as these subtleties that Humanlie soon show through tests of personal analysis, which can beanalyzed in a personal hidden human, but requires them to answertruthfully the questions asked.Knowing the human personality pattern undoubtedly will have a greatimpact in an attempt to avoid the bad patterns that show throughhis dealings with those around him in life, and the knowledge ofthe positive patterns enjoyed by the increase of self-confidence,and make it work on the development to the extent that helped himto create space of optimism and happiness assisted more glamor andsuccess.
لعبة الفواكه 2.0
Stevane Carloman
لعبة الفواكه "Fruit Game"لعبة الفواكة لعبة فلاش رهيبة ومسلية من سلسلة العاب الفواكه الرائعةومهمتك في اللعبة انك تحصل على الحد الأقصى من النقاط لمدة دقيقتينحتي تفوز باللعبة .جمع ثلاثة او اكثر من نفس نوع الفاكهة افقيا او عموديا . كلما حصلناكثر تحصل اعلى سكور في لعبة--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pictures made by Freepik.comE.g.: Icon made by from flaticon.comGame fruit "FruitGame"Game Fruit flash game awesome and entertaining series of wonderfulfruits games, your task in the game you get maximum points for twominutes to win the game.Collect three or more of the same fruit type horizontally orvertically. Whenever who received the most get the highest Score inthe Game--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pictures made by Freepik.comE.g .: Icon made by from
Bunny Catchers 1.1
Stevane Carloman
Bunny Catchers is an addicting and fun game.Catch as many as possible Bunnies without losing any if they falls.Sounds exciting? Go and get this awesome Bunny game for FREE.Bunny Catcher is a fast paced Bunny catching game with Forestenvironment to play. You must be quick enough to catch all theBunnies to earn more points. Catch all the Rabbits by simply movefinger by dragging left or right.Find the same rabbit.Let's try it!
حاسبة الحب 1.0
Stevane Carloman
حاسبة الحب او مقياس الحب تقوم بتقييم التوافقوقياس الحب بين شخصين وفق الأسماء. نسبة التوافق تترواح ما بين 0٪ الى100٪. كلما ارتفعت نسبة التوافق كان أفضللعبة مقياس الحب لعبة حب و رومنسية رائعة فيها تستطيع قياس نسبةللحب بينك و بين اي شخص و طريقة اللعبة سهلة جدا قم في هذه اللعبة فيالجهة الأولى وضع إسمك قم في الجهة الثانية وضع إسم الطرف الأخر ثم يابطل بالضغط على زر القياس لترى نسبة الحب في لعبة مقياس الحب تستطيعكتابة اسمك و كتابة اسم الطرف الأخر و ترى نسبة حبك له أيضا تستطيعكتابة اسم الطرف الأخر ثم اسمك و ترى نسبة حبه هو لك وغيرها من الطرقأيضا يا بطل تستطيع في هذه اللعبة كتابة الأسماء بأي طريقة ممكنة وبأي لغة سواء العربية أو الإنجليزية أو الفرنسية أو غيرهم طبعا هذهاللعبة ليست النسب فيها حقيقية إنما هي للتسلية و الترفيه و تسجيةالوقت , فيها نسبة حب إخوانك أمك أبوك أصدقائك و غيرهم و إقضي وقتممتع و مسلية في هذه اللعبةالحب كلام لاكن الواحد لازم يتئكد من حبهاحسب نسبة الحب بينك و بين حبيبك عن طريق حاسبة الحب الحقيقية..أتمنى أن تستمتع بهذه العبةCalculator love or lovescale assesses compatibility and measure the love between twopeople according to the names. Compatibility rate ranging from 0%to 100%. Whenever compatibility rate rose was the bestGame of Love Scale love the game and romantic fantastic whichcan measure the percentage of love between you and a person and theway the game so your easy in this game in the first put your namethen in the second put the other party name, and my hero byclicking on the measurement button to see the proportion of Love Inthe game of love scale can write your name and write party name ofthe other and see the love ratio has also can write the other partyname, and your name and see the percentage of his love is for youand other methods also my hero you can in this game write the namesin any way possible and in any language, whether Arabic, English orFrench or others of course this game is not real but thepercentages are for fun and entertainment and Tsjah time, thepercentage of your brothers love your mother, your father and otherfriends and spend time fun and entertaining in this gameI love the words of one needed Atikd of loveCalculate the percentage of love between you and your loverthrough the calculator true love ..I hope you enjoy this new game
Love Calculator Numerology 1.0
Stevane Carloman
Love Calculator Numerology and CompatibilityTestAre you compatible with your partner or lover? When it comes toLove Calculator test and numerology based match making guaranteesaccurate results. Numerology can tell a lot about people whichmakes numerology compatibility reading more reliable than any otherlove compatibility tests.We all know that a name can tell a lot about a person. Names arenot randomly chosen: they all have a meaning. Doctor Love knew thisso he made another great invention just for the lonely you!Sometimes you'd like to know if a relationship with someonecould work out. Therefore Doctor Love himself designed this greatmachine for you. With The Love Calculator you can calculate theprobability of a successful relationship between two people. TheLove Calculator is an affective way to get an impression of whatthe chances are on a relationship between two people.Is this application is a joke?No, it is not a joke. The calculations are done using Numerology,so if you believe in Numerology you should believe this website.However, please keep in mind that the results given are not alwaysentirely true, because Numerology is not an exact science, so youshould use that result only as a guideline. In some cases thereport given by our love calculator is completely wrong, but thosecases are exceptions and cannot be avoided.How do you do your calculations?We use Numerology.
Test de fidélité (Pour femme) 1.0
Stevane Carloman
TESTER LA FIDÉLITÉ DE SON HOMMELa fidélité est une question centrale dans un couple. Pour vousaider, cette application vous révèle quels sont les signes quiindiquent que votre homme vous est infidèle. Vous voulez être sûre? on vous donne quelques astuces pour tester la fidélité de votrehomme et déceler les signes qui ne trompent pas !Vous êtes plutôt du genre à prôner la confiance et le dialoguedans votre couple… Mais, au quotidien, vous arrive-t-il parfois detester votre homme pour vous assurer de sa fidélité sans faille ?C’est le moment ou jamais de l’avouer !- L'objectif de l'application-----------------------------------------TESTS COUPLE ( test love , calc )TEST AMOUR : VOTRE HOMME VOUS TROMPE T-IL ?Vous avez des doutes sur la fidélité de votre homme ? Des choseslouches se sont produites ces derniers temps, et vous imaginez déjàle pire ? Faut-il se fier à son sixième sens ou faire confiance àcelui avec lequel on a choisi de partager sa vie ? Paranoïa ousoupçons fondés ? Pour tenter de savoir si votre homme vous trompe,faites le test !TESTING THE LOYALTY OFITS RIGHTSFidelity is a central issue in a couple. To help you, this appshows you what the signs that your man is unfaithful to you. Youwant to be sure? we give you some tips to test the loyalty of yourman and for signs that do not lie!Are you more the type to advocate the trust and dialogue in yourmarriage ... But every day, you will sometimes happen to test yourman to ensure his loyalty without fault? It's now or never toadmit!- The objective of the application-----------------------------------------TORQUE TESTS (love test, calc)LOVE TEST: YOUR MAN CHEATS YOU THERE?You have doubts about the loyalty of your man? Shady things havehappened lately, and you already imagine the worst? Should we trusthis sixth sense or trust one with which we chose to share his life?Paranoia or reasonable suspicion? To try to find out if your man ischeating on you, do the test!
2048 Pro Puzzle 2
Stevane Carloman
Amazing and addictive Free mobile game of2048Pro Puzzle and most perfect original 2048 numbers puzzle gameforAndroid!HOW TO PLAY:Swipe (Up, Down, Left, Right) to move the tiles. When two tileswiththe same number touch, they merge into one.2+2=4...4+4=8...When you hit 2048, the party is just getting started!Keepgoing!FEATURES- Best 2048 Android version implementation!- Keep playing for High-score after collected 2048 tile- High score- Supports all devices including tablets
Floppy Hats 1.0
Stevane Carloman
The purpose of this game is to Find theBirdunder hats. concentrate and find all the hidden birdThe creators of "Floppy Hats" bring you another amazingfreegameTest yourself in this fun, Intelligence Test, your focus,yourconcentration ,play and advance to the next stages and tellyourfriends about it.Download this game and see if you have it what it takestowin!More challenging levels available at the moment!1 - 3 levels - 3 hats.4 - 6 levels - 4 hats.7 - 9 levels - 5 hats.10 - 12 levels - 6 hats.13 - all next levels - 7 hats.--↗ Gorgeous graphics and different levels!↗ Get the highest score if you Can!
Jumpy Cat Jumper 2
Stevane Carloman
How much candy could you possibly collectwhenyou jumpy high ?Help the kitten kitty jumpe from platform totrampoline,Grabbingevery Candy and rocket up on his way up.kittycats need your focus!play, and get the best score ever!jumpy as high as you can. Whatever you do, avoid touching theblackbombs that seems like apple,Just tilt left or right to move the blob with you jumpingcat,Remember to share your scores on game or on facebookGet more higher with Jumper Cat. she’s a little kitten whojustLOVES eat all Coin and flying highTips for becoming The best trampoline Player- The apple bomb eliminate you.- Three different tips candy's to perfect your score- More flips in one trampoline on the bars gets you more heightandbigger scores!Download Jumpy cat jumper Game for free now.
IQ Toilet Time 2
Stevane Carloman
Feel boring during toilet time?Play The toilet game To Find Out If You're A Genius!Run your imagination in toilets and bathrooms and find alogicalexplanation for the mysterious puzzles!HOW TO PLAY:Scan (Up, Down, Left, Right) to move the tiles. When two tileswiththe same number touch, they merge into one.Start playing this game "Math IQ Test", compete with your friendstosee who can get the highest score.Test your IQ with this simple yet very Addicting BathroomgameToilet Time- The game is automatically saved- High Scores- Classification- achievements- Share with friends- Setting to change when the game ends- Simple and clear user interface- Supports all devices includingExercise your brain with the most addicting IQ Toilet Timetestever!
Math IQ Test 1
Stevane Carloman
How Many Numbers Can You Solve?Play The Best Math IQ Test To Find Out If You're A Genius!Run your imagination and find a logical explanation forthemysterious puzzles!This is real good Math memory trainer!This game is AMAZING and the game number of simplepuzzleaddictiveHOW TO PLAY:Scan (Up, Down, Left, Right) to move the tiles. When two tileswiththe same number touch, they merge into one.Start playing this game "Math IQ Test", compete with your friendstosee who can get the highest score.- The game is automatically saved- High Scores- Classification- achievements- Share with friends- Setting to change when the game ends- Simple and clear user interface- Supports all devices includingPlease give us feedback in the comments, we will make thebestgameExercise your brain with the most addicting IQ test ever!Best game for all fans of puzzles, word games, brainthinking,mind games, logic puzzles and riddles with answers!
Piano Tiles Pink ♪♬ 1.1.0
Stevane Carloman
Tap Yellow is a very addictive and funmusicgame. Elegant, simple but full of thrill, ideal game tokilltime.Piano tiles Pink is New gameplay, first-class soundqualityand a global competition mode give your fingers a fast pacedthrillwith the elegance of piano playing!What's new in Piano tiles pink :Added login feature to enable synchronization of game dataandcompetition with friends;Brand-new gameplay;New color scheme, multicolor instead of yellow and white;Great new music with professional pianist.The Piano Tiles NEW FEATURES :- Leaderboard included, so you can compete with millions ofplayersoutside- New selection of high quality piano songs- Piano-playing performance recording- Amazing HD grahics- Dont tap the whiteHow To Play:-The rules are clear: just tap the Yellow tiles to the musicanddont tap the white ones anywhere else.-Try it out, enjoy the piano music, train your fingers to befaster,and see if you can beat the higher score- Don't miss out any yellow piano tile.Share your piano performance with your loved ones on facebookortwitter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pictures made by Freepik.comE.g.: Icon made by from
Remember Ramadan Lanterns 1.0
Stevane Carloman
The purpose of this game is to FindtheCrescent ( Moon ) unde Lanterns. concentrate and find allthehidden CrescentTest yourself in this fun in this ramadan moubarak,IntelligenceTest, your focus , your concentration ,play and advanceto the nextstages and tell your friends about it.Download this game and see if you have it what it takestowin!More challenging levels available at the moment!1 - 3 levels - 3Lanterns.4 - 6 levels - 4 Lanterns.7 - 9 levels - 5 Lanterns.10 - 12 levels - 6 Lanterns.13 - all next levels - 7 Lanterns.--↗ Gorgeous graphics and different levels!↗ Get the highest score if you Can!The lantern (a Ramadan story)A young prince runs away from home and is imprisoned by alonelyghoul. Who will save him? Ramadan is an Islamic festival, atime ofyear when people remember the poor. Read the Lantern, astory aboutthe special festive lanterns that light up the nightsduringRamadan.Ramadan Moubarak Said 2015
Piano Tiles Finger ♪♬ 1.1.1
Stevane Carloman
Tap Yellow is a very addictive and funmusicgame. Elegant, simple but full of thrill, ideal game tokilltime.Piano tiles finger is New gameplay, first-class soundqualityand a global competition mode give your fingers a fast pacedthrillwith the elegance of piano playing!What's new in Piano tiles finger :Added login feature to enable synchronization of game dataandcompetition with friends;Brand-new gameplay;New color scheme, multicolor instead of yellow and white;Great new music with professional pianist.My Piano Tiles NEW FEATURES :- Leaderboard included, so you can compete with millions ofplayersoutside- New selection of high quality piano songs- Piano-playing performance recording- Amazing HD grahicsHow To Play:-The rules are clear: just tap the Yellow tiles to the musicandavoid tapping white ones anywhere else.-Try it out, enjoy the piano music, train your fingers to befaster,and see if you can beat the higher score- Don't miss out any yellow piano tile.Share your piano performance with your loved ones on facebookortwitter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pictures made by Freepik.comE.g.: Icon made by from
صيامي جائز ام لا بالبصمة Prank 2.0
Stevane Carloman
رمضان كريم وكل عام وانتم بخير.الله سبحانه وتعالى له ملك السماوات والأرض وهو القادر على النضرفيحكم صيامك.انها مزحة رهيبة! صيامي جائز ام لا بالبصمة هو التطبيق محاكاةوالذييقيس درجة التزامك بالصيام في رمضان عن طريق مسح الإصبع الخاصبك.كيف:- الآن ضع إصبعك برفق على لوحة مسح بصمات الأصابعوانتظرالتحليل.- النتيجة: سيتم عرض حكم الصيام تلقائيا بعد التحليل.يمكنك مشاركة النتيجة مع أصدقاء أيضا في الفيسبوك أو الانستقرامالميزات✔ تطبيق مزحة للمرح و التسلية مع أصدقائك في شهر رمضان✔ يحتوي التطبيق على رسومات جميلة و ماسح ضوئي متحرك رائع✔ متعة مجانية للجميع✔ صيامي جائز ام لا بالبصمة هي مزحة تبين لك حكم الصيام ولايتطلباتصال بالإنترنت لاستخدامها.✔ فنجر الجسم المزحة هي تماما لتحميل مجاني.ملاحظة: صيامي جائز ام لا بالبصمة هي مزحة وتطبيق وهمييPrank،وتحليل حكم الصيام بالاستشعار هو التطبيق محاكاة لأغراضالترفيه. فيالواقع أنه لا يمكن قياس واستنتاج حكم الصيام بالتطبيق.الله سبحانهوتعالى له ملك السماوات والأرض وهو القادر على النضر فيحكم صيامك.رمضان كريم وكل عام وانتم بخير
Finger Body Temperature Prank 1.1
Stevane Carloman
It's An awesome prank! FingerprintBodyTemperature Thermometer is a simulated temperature appwhichmeasures your Body Temperature by finger scanFingerprint Body Temperature will calculates your Body Temperature.HOW TO:- Now place your finger gently on the fingerprint scanning padandwait for the analysis.- Result: Your Fake Body Temperature will be shownautomaticallyafter calculation.You can share the result with friends also on facebookorinstagramFEATURES✔ A prank application to collect cheers moment withyourfriends✔ HD graphics and beautiful use of scanner animation✔ Too much user friendly and easy to use✔ FREE fun for all✔ Finger Body Temperature Prank does not requireinternetconnection.✔ Finger Body Temperature Prank FREE fun for all.✔ Finger Body Temperature Prank is completely free download.Note : Fingerprint Body Temperature is a prank andfakeapplication, Temperature Sensor for Body is a simulated appforentertainment purposes. In fact it cannot measure yourbodytemperature or heart rate. It is for you to fool your friendsorfor kids to play doctor games.
اختبار الحب 1.1
Stevane Carloman
مقياس الحب هي لعبة الحب جميلة لتعرف مقدارحبحبيبك لك بطريقة مسلية من خلال تناغم الأحرف بين كل منالإسمين.اكتب إسمك وإسم حبيبك ثم اضغط على زر احسب، وسيظهر لك نسبةالحببينكما.لعبة مقياس الحب لعبة حب و رومنسية رائعة فيها تستطيع قياسنسبةللحب بينك و بين اي شخص و طريقة اللعبة سهلة جدا قم في هذه اللعبةفيالجهة الأولى وضع إسمك قم في الجهة الثانية وضع إسم الطرف الأخرثماضغط على زر القياس لترى نسبة الحب في لعبة مقياس الحب الحقيقي.المميزات:* إرسال النتيجة الى من تحب أو مشاركتها مع أصدقائك علىالشبكاتالإجتماعية* يمكن أن يعمل بدون إنترنتنحن نرحب بإستفساراتكم وإقتراحاتكم، ونتمنى أن لا تنسواالتقييملتشجيعنا. وشكراًLove Scale is a gameoflove beautiful how much you love your lover entertainingwaythrough harmony between all the characters of the namestoknow.Write your name and your lover and then press the Calculatebutton,and you will see the proportion of love between you.Game of Love Scale love game and romantic fantastic where youcanmeasure the proportion of love between you and any person andtheway the game is very your easy in this game in the first putyourname then in the second put the other party name, and thenpress themeasurement button to see the proportion of love in thegame truelove scale. Advantages:* Send a result to the one you love or share with your friendsonsocial networks* Can be run without InternetWe welcome your inquiry and suggestions, hope you do notforgetevaluation of encouragement. Tnidl
Super Smash Banana World 1.0
Stevane Carloman
Super smash Banana World as in jungleadventureplatform games with a journey of super smash Monkey Inthe superworld, super smash boy must pass so much threats to runto targetsuper adventure world.Super bros Monkey's runs and jumps across platforms and fightwithenemies in Endless adventure levels. Super smash have simpleplots,typically with super smash Monkey Use a power-Jumpt and hittodestroy obstacles or Kill antagonist.l These is his enemiesincludea leprechaun's ,monkey's ,bomb's, and birds.The big bananagiv's Mrbros special magic powers.Super smash Banana World the legend of smash bros gamesbringyour childhood back!Super smash Banana World is one of the most popular andenduringseries of all time.Features Of Super smash World- Never play the same level- 5 difficulties - Easy, Normal, Hard, Insane and Infinite- Records High Scores and Distance traveled- Amazing retro sound track- Collect Bananas to boost your score- One of the best Endless Runner GamesHow far can you run to escape trought the jungleworld,Compareyour high scores and unlock achievements whileimproving yourplaying style. ? Play Super smash Banana Worldnow!